Shop Services
The Campus Machine Shop at the Colorado School of Mines is your on-campus source for end-to-end, turnkey design, and machining services. We supply the custom instruments to help you achieve your research objectives.
We often meet with students or faculty early on, before machining even begins, to get a laser focus on the customer’s needs. Typically, the first consultation is complimentary. Some projects require multiple meetings for design reviews and to discuss design decisions.
We have a full-time engineer on staff to assist you with the mecahnical design of your instruments and equipment. We provide CAD services using Solidworks, as well as some analysis using Matlab or other software.
Machining is what we do. We start with an engineering drawing, a napkin sketch, a Solidworks (or other format) model, or anything in between. We quickly deliver quality, precision-machined parts, whether CNC or manual machining, at a competitive price.
For larger projects, the Campus Machine Shop assembles mechanical instruments. We also provide acceptance testing, when possible, before the device leaves our Shop. Our assembly area is not available to take data or run experiments.
Outside Services
When required, the Campus Machine Shop works with outside vendors providing services not available in our Shop. These may include anodizing, grinding, water-jet cutting, and others.